Clinical Study

Intramural Ganglion Structures in Esophageal Atresia: A Morphologic and Immunohistochemical Study

Table 1

Summary of morphologic and immunohistochemical findings of the esophageal segments in human EA/TEF.

TissueProximal segment (UEP)Distal segment (DES)

MucosaEpithelial hyperplasia Epithelial hypoplasia
Dysplasia and dystrophyDysplasia and dytrophy
Reduction of muscularis mucosaeAbsence of muscularis mucosae

SubmucosaHyperplasia of elastic fibers Hypoplasia of elastic fibers
Infiltration of myofibrillesDysplasia and dystrophy
Dysplasia and dystrophy

Circular musculatureMuscular hypoplasia Muscular hypoplasia
Fragmentation of the myofibrillesDisorganization of the myofibrilles

Intermuscular collagen and elastic tissuesConnective fibrosis Connective fibrosis
Endomisial fibrillogenesisEndomisial fibrillogenesis

Myoenteric plexus of auerbachReduction of neurocellsReduction of neurocells
Increase of Schwann’s cellsIncrease of Schwann’s cells
Immaturity of neurocellsImmaturity of neurocells

Longitudinal musculatureMuscular hypoplasia Muscular hypoplasia
Fragmentation of the myofibrillesDisorganization of the myofibrilles