Research Article

Parental Influence on Young Children's Physical Activity

Table 1

Logistic regression predicting child daily PA.

Predictors Beta (SE) WaldOdds ratioChi-Square

Child Age (months) −.044 (.024) 3.58.956
Child Gender (male)1.075 (.552) 3.78
Linguistic Group (French).382 (.567).454 1.465
TV Time (1 hr or less/day)1.555 (.562) 7.654.74
Child At-risk of Overweight/Overweight.171 (.620).076 1.18718.37
Parent Age (years)−.034 (.034)1.010.966
Married−.869 (.695)1.567.419
Income 0–45 K−.560 (.745).565.571
Income 45–75 K−.029 (.746).001.972
Postsecondary Education.305 (.723).178 1.3564.82
Parental Support for PA.780 (.432) 3.252.18
Parental Enjoyment of PA.697 (.341) 4.192.01
Parental PA Habits.482 (.251) 3.691.620
Importance of Child’s PA Ability−.034 (.260).017.96623.1

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