Clinical Study

The Experience in Nicaragua: Childhood Leukemia in Low Income Countries—The Main Cause of Late Diagnosis May Be “Medical Delay”

Table 1

Time intervals from first symptoms to diagnosis of leukemia.

ManaguaMonza value

Lag time from first symptoms to diagnosis (days)
 Median, (IQR)29 (18–44)14 (9–24)#
 ALL29,5 (18–45)15 (9–27)#
 AML21 (18–39)9 (6–20)#

Patient delay (days)
 Median, (IQR)7 (1,5–15)5 (1–13)#
 ALL7 (1,5–15)5,5 (1–13)#
 AML6 (3–11)4 (2–13)#

Physician delay (days)
 Median, (IQR)16.5 (7–33,5)7 (2–4)#
 ALL16 (7–33)8 (2–15)#
 AML18 (6–33)3 (1–6)#

Lag time to diagnosis: “0–30 days” and “>30 days” groups
 Lag time to diagnosis “>30 days” (frequencies)37 (45.7%)15 (18.5%) °
 Lag time to diagnosis “0–30 days” (frequencies)44 (54.3%)66 (81.5%)

° : Chi-square test; #: Mann-Whitney/Wilcoxon Two-Sample Test; ALL: acute lymphoblastic leukemia; AML: acute myeloid leukemia.