Research Article

Postnatal Growth Patterns in a Chilean Cohort: The Role of SES and Family Environment

Table 1

Exploratory factor structures and item statistics: maternal warmth, sibling participation, and physical environmenta.

Item contentCorrelations
Maternal warmthSibling participationPhysical environment

Mother’s voice conveys positive feelings toward child45
Mother caresses or kisses child at least once45
Mother spontaneously praises child at least twice42
Child’s play environment is safe74
When the child gets close to the mother, she welcomes, looks at, listens to, and is affectionate towards him/her49
The child is spontaneously taken up in the arms of his/her older siblings76
The child is spontaneously caressed, kissed, or tickled by older siblings at least 5 minutes of everyday93
The child is spontaneously conversed to in a directed and appropriate manner by older siblings89
The child is spontaneously incorporated into family activities by older siblings84
There are other people who are consistently important in the encouragement and care of the child39
The interior of the house has sufficient light and ventilation46
The bedroom in the house is reasonably clean and orderly55
With respect to the spare available space, there is sufficient room for the child to explore and crawl without danger74

Eigen values2.583.262.38

aValues are multiplied by 100 and rounded to the nearest integer. Only the factor items with correlations ≥ 35 are displayed.