Research Article

Participation in Physical Activity for Children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders

Table 2

Summary of results from logistic regression analyses predicting children’s participation in organized sports or physical activities ( ).

VariablesModel 1Model 2Model 3
OR95% C.I.OR95% C.I.OR95% C.I.

Child is school-aged2.09***1.80–2.432.31***1.96–2.73
Child is boy1.06.92––1.24
Child lives with a single parent1.03.84–1.27
Parent’s educational attainment (>high school)2.48***2.12–2.89
Household income
 Low income.48***.39–.60
 Moderate incomeRef
 High income2.32***1.97–2.74
Child lives in a CMA or CA1.39***1.19–1.63

Ref: the reference group. CMA: census metropolitan area. CA: census agglomeration.
Note. All reported values are odd ratios (OR) with 95% confidence intervals (CI).
* . ** . *** .
Source: National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth 2006-2007, Statistics Canada.