Research Article

Do Maternal Quality of Life and Breastfeeding Difficulties Influence the Continuation of Exclusive Breastfeeding?

Table 3

Means and standard deviations of the quality of life score, breastfeeding difficulties score, and intention to breastfeeding based on breastfeeding practices.

2 months postpartumExclusive breastfeeding
( )
Nonexclusive breastfeeding
( )
M ± SdM ± Sd

Domains of quality of life
 Physical 0.005**
 Mental 0.040*
 Social 0.366
 Environmental 0.450
 Global 0.042*
 Breastfeeding difficulties score 0.017*
 Intention to breastfeeding 0.714

4 months postpartumExclusive breastfeeding
( )
Nonexclusive breastfeeding
( )

Domains of quality of life
 Physical 0.001**
 Mental 0.013*
 Social 0.604
 Environmental 0.720
 Global 0.025*
 Breastfeeding difficulties score 0.063
 Intention to breastfeeding 0.323

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