Research Article

Depression and Its Determinants among Postpartum Mothers Attending at Universal College of Medical Sciences and Teaching Hospital, Bhairahawa, Rupandehi, Nepal

Table 5

Maternal and obstetrical factors associated with postpartum depression on using bivariate and multivariate analysis.

CharacteristicsPostpartum depression valueaCOR 95% CIbAOR 95% CI
Yes () (%)No () (%)

Intent of pregnancy
 Planned13 (56.5)10 (43.5)<0.00111
 Unplanned22 (14.7)128 (85.3)7.56 (2.95-19.37)10.08 (2.91-34.94)
ANC visits
 <4 visits13 (10.1)116 (89.9)<0.00111
 ≥4 visits22 (50.0)22 (50.0)0.11 (0.05-0.26)0.15 (0.05-0.40)
PNC visits
 <3 visits30 (18.4)133 (81.6)0.01611
 ≥3 visits5 (50.0)5 (50.0)0.23 (0.06-0.83)0.45 (0.09-2.28)
Pregnancy-induced health problems
 No23 (56.1)18 (43.9)<0.00111
 Yes12 (9.1)120 (90.9)12.77 (5.42-30.07)9.68 (3.51-26.64)

Significant at ; 1 = reference category; acrude odds ratio; badjusted odds ratio.