Resource Review

Blast2GO: A Comprehensive Suite for Functional Analysis in Plant Genomics

Table 1

Blast2GO performance figures of seven cDNA datasets. FE: percentage of sequences with some functional evidence (Mapping or InterProScan positive). BA: percentage of blast-based annotated sequences, #GO: number of GOs per sequence. GO L: mean GO level. IP: percentage of annotation increase by InterProScan. Ann: percentage of annotation increase by Annex. TA: total percentage of annotated sequences (including blast and InterPro). Datasets are described in [37].


C. clementina70.2 7.911.862.3
M. incog70.755.75.6 4.9511.8 9.963.9
T. harzianum61.
G. max61.851.
P. flesus50.
A. phagocytophilum56.642.53.04.9135.420.949.1
Whale metagenome69.550.73.04.4517.61858.8