Research Article

Development of New Candidate Gene and EST-Based Molecular Markers for Gossypium Species

Table 1

Cotton genotypes used for polymorphism detection and phylogenetic tree.


1G. hirsutum/TM-1AD1 (CMD1)
2G. barbadense/3–79AD2 (CMD2)
3Acala maxxaAD1 (CMD3)
4DPL 458BRAD1 (CMD4)
5Paymaster 1218BRAD1 (CMD5)
6Fibermax 832AD1 (CMD6)
7Stoneville 4892 BRAD1 (CMD7)
9G. arboreumA2 (CMD9)
10G. raimondiiD5-3 (CMD10)
11G. tomentosumAD3 (CMD11)
12G. mustelinumAD4 (CMD12)
13G. darwiniiAD5
14G. triphyllumB2
15G. sturtianumC1
16G. areysianumE3
17G. australeC3
18G. costulatumC5
19G. pulchellumC8
20G. thurberiD1
21G. armourianumD2-1
22G. harknessiiD2-2
23G. klotzschianumD3K
24G. aridiumD4
25G. gossypioidesD6
26G. lobatumD7
27G. trilobumD8
28G. turneriD10
29G. schwendimaniiD11
30G. stocksiiE1
31G. somalenseE2
32G. bickiiG1