Research Article

Latino Immigrant Children's Health: Effects of Sociodemographic Variables and of a Preventive Intervention Program

Table 4

Multivariate analyses predicting the Ages and Stages Questionnaire composite score at 12 and 24 months postpartum.

Predictor variablesStandardized partial regression coefficientsSignificance level

ASQ composite score at 12 months postpartum2
 ASQ composite score at 6 months0.39
 Number of maternal/family problems at 12 months−0.19
 Family received AFDC/TANF at 12 months10.13ns
 Substance-affected family−0.12ns
 Intervention family0.07ns
Interaction: substance-affected family by intervention family0.09ns
 Mother’s age at target child’s birth−0.00ns
 Mother’s English proficiency0.01ns
 Presence of a second primary caregiver for the target child at intake−0.02ns
ASQ composite score at 24 months postpartum3
 Target child is female0.20
 Intervention group membership0.13
 Target child not in well-baby nursery0.14
 Number of maternal/family problems at 24 months−0.25
Mother’s age at target child’s birth 40.04ns
First-time mother 40.03ns
Mother’s number of years of education completed 40.10ns
Interaction: female sex by intervention family−0.13
Interaction: female sex by nursery type−0.09ns
Interaction: nursery type by intervention family0.04ns

1AFDC: Aid to Families with Dependent Children. TANF: Temporary Assistance for Needy Families. 2Adjusted ; , . 3Adjusted ; , . 4Italicized predictor variables were included in the model as demographic controls.