Research Article

Transnational Involvement: Reading Quantitative Studies in Light of Qualitative Data

Table 1

Overview of transnational activities (a modification of Snel et al., 2006 [9]: 292 and Portes 2003 [10]).

Everyday economic activities
 (i) Transfers money to family
  (ii) Sends goods to country of origin
  (iii) Owns house in country of origin
  (iv) Contributes to charities in country of origin

Professional economic activities
  (i) Invests in companies in country of origin
  (ii) Conducts trade with country of origin
  (iii) Visits country of origin for business

Political activities
  (i) Reads newspapers from country of origin
  (ii) Keeps in touch with politics in country of origin
  (iii) Member of political party in country of origin
  (iv) Gives money to political party in country of origin
  (v) Participates in demonstrations, political campaigns, or
  rallies related to country of origin

Sociocultural activities in the host country
  (i) Member of organization related to country of origin
  (ii) Attends meetings with primarily compatriots
  (iii) Visits cultural events