Research Article

Reconstruction of Sugar Metabolic Pathways of Giardia lamblia

Figure 1

Glycolysis in Giardia. The diagram indicated which enzymes have been directly identified by KEGG (green), which have been identified during this study (red), and which are not present (grey). As can be seen, most glycolytic enzymes are present in Giardia. A more technical representation of this image is present in Figure S1. Key. The metabolites are labeled in grey boxes, the enzymes which catalyze reactions from one metabolite to another are shown in rectangles with their EC number indicated, and are colored according to their similarity to enzymes of other species: green: enzymatic function registered in KEGG; red: found in Giardia with bit-score >300 and these are enzyme candidates with fairly high degrees of certainty; grey: found in Giardia with bit-score <100; there were no enzymes found in Giardia with bit-scores between 100–300 in this pathway.