Clinical Study

The Relationship between Mechanical Hyperalgesia Assessed by Manual Tender Point Examination and Disease Severity in Patients with Chronic Widespread Pain: A Cross-Sectional Study

Table 5

Multivariate/full model: significance of variables at a given tender point threshold with the pain response cutoff set at 2 at the tender point examination.

Outcome variable TP > 6TP > 7TP > 8TP > 9TP > 10TP > 11TP > 12TP > 13TP > 14TP > 15TP > 16TP > 17

 Muscle strength UE (PTQ extension)
 Muscle strength UE (PTQ flexion)*****
 Grip strength, max.
 Vitality (SF-36)*
 Fatigue (FIQ)
 Rest (FIQ)**********
 Well-being (SF-36)**
 Well-being (FIQ)****
 Anxiety (FIQ)*
 Anxiety (GAD-10)
 Depression (FIQ)**********
 Depression (MDI)***
 Bodily pain (SF-36)*
 Pain intensity (FIQ)
 Muscle stiffness (FIQ)********
 Tiredness mobility (Mob-T)***
 Pain detection threshold (PDT)************
 Pain tolerance threshold (PTT)*********
Activity and participation
 ADL ability motor (AMPS)*************
 ADL ability process (AMPS)
 Walking speed (6-MW)
 Activity limitations (FIQ)*
 Physical functioning (SF-36)****
 Role physical (SF 36)***
 Role emotional (SF-36)***
 Social functioning (SF-36)****
 Work interference (BIQ)********
 Catastrophizing (CSQ)
 Perceived control over pain (CSQ)
 Ability to decrease pain (CSQ)***
 Analgesics yes/no
Global measures
 FIQ total**********
 SF-36 PCS**
 SF-36 MCS
 General health (SF-36)

; ; ; GAD-10: generalized anxiety disorder; MDI: major depression inventory; SF-36: short-form-36 health survey; FIQ: fibromyalgia impact questionnaire; SF-36 PCS: SF-36 physical composite score; PTQ flex.: peak torque flexion; SF-36 MCS: SF-36 mental composite score; PTQ ext.: peak torque extension; CSQ: coping strategy questionnaire; PDT: pain detection threshold; AMPS: assessment of motor and process skills; PTT: pain tolerance threshold; 6-MW: 6-minute walk; BIQ: basic information questionnaire.