Research Article

Relative Risk Chart Score for the Assessment of the Cardiovascular Risk in Young Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis

Table 1

Main epidemiologic, clinical, and ultrasonography features of a series of 73 ankylosing spondylitis patients without cardiovascular events, diabetes mellitus, or chronic kidney disease between 35 and 50 years.

VariableAS ()

Men/women, 44/29
Age at the time of study (years), mean ± SD
Age at the time of diagnosis (years), mean ± SD
Delay to disease diagnosis (years), mean ± SD
Disease duration (years), median (IQR)
 Since first symptoms12.00 (7.00–19.50)
 Since diagnosis of AS5.00 (1.00–9.00)
BASDAI, mean ± SD
ASDAS, mean ± SD
BASFI, mean ± SD
BASMI, mean ± SD
MASES, median (IQR)1.00 (0.00–4.00)
Extra-articular manifestations, (%)21 (28.77)
 Psoriasis, (%)8 (10.96)
 Inflammatory bowel disease, (%)3 (4.11)
 Uveitis, (%)14 (19.18)
History of synovitis or enthesitis, (%)36 (49.32)
Syndesmophytes, (%)22 (30.14)
Therapy, (%)
 Anti-TNF32 (43.84)
 DMARDs35 (47.95)
 NSAIDs66 (90.41)
 Corticosteroids15 (20.55)
HLA-B27 positive, (%)55 (75.34)
CRP (mg/l), median (IQR)
 At time of study2.00 (0.50–6.00)
 At time of disease diagnosis4.00 (2.00–10.50)
CRP > 3 mg/L at time of disease diagnosis, (%)38 (52.05)
ESR (mm/1st hour), median (IQR)
 At time of study6.00 (3.00–14.50)
 At time of disease diagnosis10.00 (4.50–17.50)
History of classic cardiovascular risk factors, (%)
 Current smokers22 (30.14)
 Have ever smoked14 (19.18)
 Obesity15 (20.55)
 Dyslipidemia14 (19.18)
 Hypertension3 (4.11)
Blood pressure (mm Hg), mean ± SD
Cholesterol or triglycerides (mg/dl), mean ± SD
 Total cholesterol
 HDL cholesterol
 LDL cholesterol
Carotid plaques, (%)20 (27.40)
 Low (<1%)59 (80.82%)
 Moderate (≥1% and <5%)14 (19.17%)
 High (≥5% and <10%)0
 Very high (≥10%)0

SD: standard deviation. IQR: interquartile range.