Research Article

AADL Extension to Model Classical FPGA and FPGA Embedded within a SoC

Table 2

Example of possible combinations of task allocations within the execution platform when considering that the processor is always active even if no software task have to be executed. Note that the first and last rows are those which are not acceptable due to the total task execution delays ( ) or the total task areas ( ). Remarks: is incorrect due to the total execution time greater than the period of tasks; is incorrect due to the total area greater than the global area in the reconfigurable space.

Conf. Task allocation Software execution Hardware executionGlobal Global without
Soft HardExec Time Energy AreaExec Time Energy Exec TimeLow-power mode
EnergyAv. power
(tu) (eu) (cle) (tu) (eu) (tu) (eu) (pu)

Conf1 , , ā€”110100000001101000091
Conf2 , 50 10000 500002050005015000300
Conf3 , 80 10000 400001218008011800147
Conf4 , 90 10000 300001010009011000122
Conf5 , 20 10000 900002068002016800840
Conf6 , 30 10000 800002060003016000533
Conf7 , 60 10000 700001228006012800213
Conf8ā€” , , 0100001200002078002017800890