Research Article

Evaluation of Runtime Task Mapping Using the rSesame Framework

Algorithm 4

Pseudocode for the Reusability Based Heuristics (RBH) for the mapping on task .
(2) if == MAPPED  then
(3)  .state RUNNING;
(4) else
(5) if area ≥ .area  then
(6)  if Speedup( ) > 1  then
(8)   configure( );
(9)    .state RUNNING;
(10)  end  if
(11) else
(12)  for All tasks onto the FPGA  do
(13)   if SpeedUp( ) < SpeedUp( )  then
(14)    candidateSet = candidateSet
(15)  end  if
(16) end  for
(17) while area ≤ .area  do
(18)  Select candidate Set with lowest RER
(19)  removeSet = removeSet
(20)  area = area + .area;
(21) end  while
(22) if   .area ≤ area  then
(23)  for All task removeSet  do
(24)   .state = WAITING;
(25)   end  for
(27)   configure( );
(28)    .state RUNNING;
(29)   end  if
(30)  end  if
(31) end  if