Research Article

The “Chimera”: An Off-The-Shelf CPU/GPGPU/FPGA Hybrid Computing Platform

Table 2

The “Thirteen Dwarves” of Berkeley. Each dwarf represents an “algorithmic method encapsulating a pattern of computation and/or communication,” and this intended to be a comprehensive list of the major requirements of parallel computational problems for now into the short term.


1Dense MatrixLinear algebra (dense matrices)
2Sparse MatrixLinear algebra (sparse matrices)
3SpectralFFT-based methods
4N-BodyParticle-particle interactions
5Structured GridFluid dynamics, meteorology
6Unstructured GridAdaptive mesh FEM
7MapReduceMonte Carlo integration
8Combinational LogicLogic gates (e.g., Toffoli gates)
9Graph traversalSearching, selection
10Dynamic ProgrammingTower of Hanoi problem
11Backtrack/Global optimization
12 Graphical ModelsProbabilistic networks
13 Finite State MachineTTL counter