Research Article

IP-Enabled C/C++ Based High Level Synthesis: A Step towards Better Designer Productivity and Design Performance

Table 10

Mapping of greater circle distance formula.

I/P dataLUTFFDSPSRLBRAMCLK (ns)11Latency/throughputIP core

GC (v-HLS)16 bit2252211937680205.31 (Est)109/109No
GC (proposed)-D116 bit31133136415/311305.4724/1CORDIC10
GC (proposed)-D216 bit19252062415/192505.3818/1CORDIC12
GC (proposed)-D316 bit85678719433/856705.45650/1CORDIC13
GC (3-terms)16 bit894343316008.6141/1No
GC (4-terms)16 bit214567292184/214508.6759/1No

Parallel configuration, iteration, and precision: automatic, coarse rotation.
Clock period constraint of 5.5 ns with 0 ns clock jitter.
Parallel architecture, iterations-8, and precision: automatic, coarse rotation.
Parallel architecture, iterations-40, and precision: automatic, coarse rotation.