Research Article

Pharmacy Professionals’ Dispensing Practice, Knowledge, and Attitude towards Emergency Contraceptives in Gondar Town, Northwestern Ethiopia: A Cross-Sectional Study

Table 3

Cross-tabulation of respondents knowledge with their year of practice, Gondar, 2016.

KnowledgeYears of practice
<5 years 5–10 years >10 years

Do you know the dosing schedule (when and how much to take) for ECs?Yes21 (87.5%)32 (97%)3 (100%)
No3 (12.5%)1 (3%)0 (0%)
Do you know the mechanism(s) of action of ECs?Yes20 (83.3%)29 (87.9%)3 (100%)
No4 (16.7%)4 (12.1%)0 (0%)
Do you know the side effects of ECs?Yes21 (87.5%)32 (97%)3 (100%)
No3 (12.5%)1 (3%)0 (0%)
Do you know contraindications to the use of ECs?Yes17 (70.8%)28 (84.9%)3 (100%)
No7 (29.2%)5 (15.1%)0 (0%)
Do you know how much effective ECs are in preventing pregnancy?Yes16 (66.7%)27 (81.8%)3 (100%)
No8 (33.3%)6 (18.2%)0 (0%)