Review Article

High Temperature Resonant Ultrasound Spectroscopy: A Review

Table 3

Measured ( ) and calculated ( ) resonance frequencies after several iterations in a RUS calculation for an -type silicon-germanium sample near 500°C. The first mode was not included (given a weight of 0) in the final fit.

Mode (MHz) (MHz) Difference (%)

1 0.395133 0.393603 0.389
2 0.540797 0.541167
3 0.638239 0.638511
4 0.642020 0.642575
5 0.651254 0.651505
6 0.709419 0.709383 0.005
7 0.734763 0.735937
8 0.739370 0.739131 0.032
9 0.751041 0.749752 0.172
10 0.758227 0.758263 −0.005
11 0.808084 0.807730 0.044
12 0.835150 0.836441
13 0.860419 0.861814
14 0.880744 0.882067
15 1.020977 1.020704 0.027
16 1.030651 1.031488
17 1.033333 1.034599
18 1.070578 1.071760
19 1.079524 1.077915 0.149
20 1.094728 1.093729 0.091