Research Article

Vibrational Spectrum of HMX at CO2 Laser Wavelengths: A Combined DRIFT and LPAS Study

Table 1

HMX observed active modes and proposed assignment (vvw: very very weak, vw: very weak, w: weak, m: medium, s: strong, vs: very strong, br: broad, st: stretch, b: bend, t: torsion, def: deformation, sc: scissors, r: rock).

Observed frequencies (cm−1)Assignment

5972 vvw2 × st CH
5263 vvw2 × st CH
4411 vwCH st, st NNO2
4370 vwCH st, st NNO2
4169 vvwCH st, st NNO2
3057 mst CH
3030 mwst CH
2987 mwst CH
2924 mwst CH
2857 w
2806 w, br
1569 vsst NO2
1449 ms
1439 msc CH2
1421 m sc CH2
1392 swag CH2
1386 mst NNO2
1372 mst NNO2
1319 sst NNO2
1275 vsr NNO2, b CH2
1248 vsst NCN
1225 sst NCN
1210 s st NCN
1110 w
1091 w
1015 mt CH2, r NNO2
913 vst CH2
877 wRing breathing
863 mwst NCN
845 m
764 mst NCN
752 mw
734 m
711 m
649 wRing def
620 m
603 m
485 wRing def