Research Article

Fourier Spectroscopy: A Bayesian Way

Figure 14

Comparison of even and odd spectral quantities inferred from standard model and Bayesian model . exploits discrete fast Fourier transformation routines to evaluate the even and odd spectra and conditionally on the spectral limits = 0 GHz and = 3747.4 GHz (Nyquist assumptions), the spectral increment = 3.66 GHz, vanishing shift , and the zero-path difference  mm. Conditional on these settings, the model obtains the means and of the conditional amplitude posterior when the remaining settings are taken at their maximum values (see third column of Table 3). (a) Even and odd spectra. Similar results follow from both models. The elevated amplitude in the odd spectra between 3000 GHz and 3500 GHz is caused by aliasing due to the assumption that the optical path difference grid is uniform. (b) Absolute differences of spectral quantities inferred by both models. Except in the vicinity of the water vapour absorption line at 557 GHz, the difference is small in absolute terms.