Research Article

Pricing Variance Swaps for Stochastic Volatilities with Delay and Jumps

Table 2

Estimation of the GARCH(1,1) process.

Dependent variable: log-returns of Canada index prices
Method: ML-ARCH
Included observations: 1300
Convergence achieved after 28 observations

Coefficient Std. error -statistic Prob.


Variance equation

C2.58 3.91 6.5973370
R-squared −0.000791Mean dependent var0.000235
Adjusted R-squared−0.003108S.D. dependent var0.013567
S.E. of regression0.013588Akaike info criterion−5.928474
Sum squared resid0.239283Schwartz criterion−5.912566
Log-likelihood3857.508Durbin-Watson stat1.886028