Clinical Study

Reoperation following Pancreaticoduodenectomy

Table 1

Changes over time.


Number of pancreaticoduodenectomies160132228
Incidence of PPH20% (32/160)24.2% (32/132)13.1% (30/228)
reoperation rate17.5% (28/160)21.2% (28/132)9.6% (22/228)
Indications for reoperation
 (i) PPH202112
 (ii) PJ leak with intra-abdominal collection442
 (iii) HJ leak12
 (iv) DJ/GJ leak22
 (v) Miscellaneous224
Overall in-hospital mortality11.9% (19/160)9% (12/132)4.8% (11/228)
In-hospital mortality following early reoperation42.8% (12/28)28.5% (8/28)27.2% (6/22)
In-hospital mortality in patients not undergoing early reoperation5.3% (7/132)3.8% (4/104)2.4% (5/206)

PPH: post pancreatectomy hemorrhage; PJ: pancreaticojejunostomy; HJ: hepaticojejunostomy; DJ: duodenojejunostomy; GJ: gastrojejunostomy.