Review Article

The Current State of Targeted Agents in Rectal Cancer

Table 3

Clinical trials of bevacizumab in preoperative treatment of rectal cancer.

AuthorPhaseStudy design(regimen) RT dose (Gy)pCR rateMajor wound CxReference

MachielsICape + oxali + bevacizumab1150.42/11(18%)NS[45]
WillettII5FU + bevacizumab3250.45/32(16%)1/32(3%)[29]
RodelII5FU + bevacizumab3550.410/35(29%)3/20(15%)[46]
CraneIICapecitabine + bevacizumab2550.48/25(32%)3/25(12%)[47]
MouradIIXelox + beva then cape + beva + RT4750.416/47(36%)11/47(24%)[48]

RT: Radiotherapy, pCR: Pathological complete response.