Clinical Study

Harmonic Scalpel versus Conventional Haemostasis in Neck Dissection: A Prospective Randomized Study

Table 2

Operative and postoperative data in harmonic scalpel (HS) and conventional hemostasis (CH) groups.

HS group ( )CH group ( ) value

Operative time (mean ± SD), min
  mRND <0.001
  SND <0.001
Intraoperative blood loss, mL
  mRND <0.001
  SND <0.001
Total drainage fluid volume, mL
  mRND <0.001
  SND <0.001
Postoperative pain
 VAS at 24 h
  mRND <0.001
  SND <0.001
 VAS at 48 h
  mRND <0.001
  SND <0.001
 VRS at 24 h
  mRND <0.001
  SND <0.001
 VRS at 48 h
  mRND <0.001
  SND <0.001
Mean hospital stay, days
 Wide excision 0.467 NS
 Free-flap reconstruction 0.579 NS
 Partial laryngectomy 0.418 NS
 Total laryngectomy 0.799 NS
Shoulder syndrome
 Pain score (VAS)
  mRND 0.924 NS
  SND 0.871 NS
 Motion score (VAS)
  mRND 0.916 NS
  SND 0.949 NS