Research Article

The Aetiology of Delay to Commencement of Adjuvant Chemotherapy following Colorectal Resection

Table 2

Histological tumour characteristics.

Tumour size: median (IQR) 35 (27–50) mm
 Well/moderate146 (88%)
 Poor13 (8%)
 Complete response7 (4%)
Node status
 N057 (34%)
 N1 72 (43%)
 N237 (22%)
Median nodal yield14 (10 to 20)
Median number of involved nodes3 (1 to 5)
Median lymph node ratio 0.18 (0.10 to 0.33)
T stage
 T0/T112 (7%)
 T214 (8%)
 T392 (55%)
 T448 (29%)
Resection margin status
 R0160 (94.4%)
 R16 (3.6%)
Vascular invasion
 Positive46 (28%)
 Negative120 (72%)