Research Article

The Self-Perception and Usage of Medical Apps amongst Medical Students in the United States: A Cross-Sectional Survey

Table 1

Survey questions.

QuestionAnswer choices

(1) What resources do you use to look up medical information? (Check all that apply)Textbooks, Journal Articles, Medical Apps, Websites

(2) What medical apps do you use on a regular basis? (Check all that apply)Epocrates, UpToDate, VisualDX, Dynamed, Diagnosaurus, Lexicomp, Pepid, Eponymns, Isabel, Medscape, Micromedex, None

(3) Rate these medical apps/websites for how much you trust the information (1–5 do not trust–completely trust)Epocrates, UpToDate, VisualDX, Dynamed, Diagnosaurus, Lexicomp, Eponymns, Medscape, WebMD, Micromedex, Wikipedia, Google

(4) How much time does your medical school/residency training program formally devote to teaching the appropriate use of information technology in medical decision making?0 hours, 1–5 hours, >5 hours

(5) Using medical apps enhances your knowledge as a medical student/residentStrongly Agree, Agree, Neither Agree nor Disagree, Disagree, Strongly Disagree

(6) How would you compare the information obtained from medical apps with information obtained from a textbook?More Reliable, Same Reliability, Less Reliable

(7) Are you comfortable using medical apps during a patient encounter?Very Comfortable, Neither Comfortable Nor Uncomfortable, Uncomfortable, Very Uncomfortable

(8) How often do you use a mobile device (smartphone, tablet, etc.) to (a) look up information; (b) share informationNot at all, 1-2x per week, daily, multiple times per day

(9) Usage of medical apps can (a) save you time; (b) improve the care of my patients; (c) increase diagnostic accuracyStrongly Agree, Agree, Neither Agree nor Disagree, Disagree, Strongly Disagree

(10) What do patients think of you when using a medical app in front of them? (Check all that apply)You are tech savvy and modern, You don’t know what you are doing, You care enough to double check you work, You are fresh out of training

(11) Using a medical app on a mobile device (smartphone, tablet, etc.) in front of a colleague makes you appear less engagedStrongly Agree, Agree, Neither Agree nor Disagree, Disagree, Strongly Disagree

(12) Older doctors have a harder time adapting to new technologies and still rely on their memory for most medical decisions.Strongly Agree, Agree, Neither Agree nor Disagree, Disagree, Strongly Disagree

(13) Younger doctors are more comfortable using mobile technologies to access knowledgeStrongly Agree, Agree, Neither Agree nor Disagree, Disagree, Strongly Disagree

(14) Where do you look for help in creating a differential diagnosis? (Check all that apply)UpToDate, VisualDX, Dynamed, Diagnosaurus, eMedicine Isabel, Medscape, None