Research Article

Comparison of Goal Achievement during an Early, Intensive Nutrition Intervention Delivered to People with Upper Gastrointestinal Cancer by Telephone Compared with Mobile Application

Table 2

Demographic data at baseline by intervention group.

Demographic dataMobile app ()Telephone ()

Age year mean (sd)66.6 (9.7)67.5 (10.3)
Gender (%)
 Male26 (72%)25 (66%)
 Female10 (28%)13 (34%)
Cancer type (%)
 Oesophageal17 (47%)16 (42%)
 Pancreatic10 (28%)18 (47%)
 Gastric9 (25%)4 (11%)
Weight mean (sd)76.4 (14.7)71.9 (12.7)
MST score mean (sd)2.78 (1.94)2.72 (2.18)
PG-SGASF score mean (sd)8.5 (6.5)8.5 (6.2)
EQ-5D-5L–median (IQR)
 Mobility (0-100, higher scores equal more difficulty with task completion)1 (1.3)1 (1.1)
 Self-care (0-100, higher scores equal more difficulty with task completion)1 (1.1)2 (1.2)
 Usual activities (0-100, higher scores equal more difficulty with task completion)2 (1.2)1 (1.1)
 Pain or discomfort (0-100, higher scores equal higher severity of symptoms)1 (1.1)1 (1.2)
 Anxiety or depression (0-100, higher scores equal higher severity of symptoms)2 (1.2)2 (1.3)
EQ-5D-5L-utility score–mean (sd) (0-100, higher scores better QoL)0.65 (0.20)0.71 (0.23)
EQ-5D-5L-visual analogue scale–mean (sd) (0-100, higher scores better QoL)62.08 (22.01)65.04 (22.9)
EORTC QLQ-C30 score–mean (sd)
 Global health (0-100, higher scores better QoL)63.51 (36.61)79.28 (25.72)
 Physical functioning (0-100, higher scores better QoL)72.52 (29.71)83.33 (21.52)
 Role functioning (0-100, higher scores better QoL)27.93 (27.51)10.81 (21.59)
 Emotional functioning (0-100, higher scores better QoL)26.13 (30.60)46.85 (36.39)
 Cognitive functioning (0-100, higher scores better QoL)81.23 (20.08)63.41 (26.17)
 Social functioning (0-100, higher scores better QoL)85.09 (18.90)72.15 (21.26)
 Fatigue (0-100, higher scores more symptoms)11.84 (20.47)35.38 (29.21)
 Nausea and vomiting (0-100, higher scores more symptoms)28.95 (29.17)13.16 (23.94)
 Pain (0-100, higher scores more symptoms)61.22 (24.60)17.54 (28.72)
 Dyspnoea (0-100, higher scores more symptoms)73.38 (25.34)65.28 (35.04)
 Insomnia (0-100, higher scores more symptoms)42.90 (31.44)74.07 (32.96)
 Appetite loss (0-100, higher scores more symptoms)12.96 (18.30)26.63 (33.36)
 Constipation (0-100, higher scores more symptoms)22.22 (31.87)28.70 (35.77)
 Diarrhoea (0-100, higher scores more symptoms)7.02 (22.13)10.81 (22.30)
 Financial difficulties (0-100, higher scores more symptoms)16.66 (40.19)4.63 (19.76)

EQ-5D-5L: EuroQol 5D-5L instrument [26]; EORTC QLQ-C30: European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Question–Core 30 [25]; PG-SGA: Patient-Generated Subjective Global Assessment [24]; sd: standard deviation; MST: Malnutrition Screening Tool [20]; LGTBQI+: lesbian, gay, transexual, bisexual, queer, intersex+.