Clinical Study

Carotid Velocities Determine Cerebral Blood Flow Deficits in Elderly Men with Carotid Stenosis <50%

Table 4

Correlation coefficients between peak systolic velocity in right/left ICA and blood pressure trend. Ankle-brachial index (ABI) at ages 68, 81, and its time difference. Analyses performed in study subjects defined as normotensive and hypertensive at age 68.

Normotensive at age 68Hypertensive at age 68
ICA leftICA rightICA leftICA right

SBP, age 81.384**.221−.007−.071
DBP, age 81.102−.058−.282*−.139
SBP, age difference.303*.183.164−.165
DBP, age difference.216.083−.058−.033
Pulse pressure, age 81.373**.274*−.130−.019
ABI-left, age 81 −.430**−.072−.068−.338*
ABI-right, age 81 −.253*−.074−.125 −.448**
ABI-left, age 68−.212.110−.075 −.374**
ABI-right, age 68 −.254*.000−.104−.171
ABI-left, difference −.381**−.156.131−.127
ABI-right, difference−.170−.053−.034 −.358**

*Correlation is significant at  .05 level (2-tailed). **Correlation is significant at  .01 level (2-tailed). ICA: internal carotid artery.