Research Article

Myosin VI and Associated Proteins Are Expressed in Human Macrophages but Do Not Play a Role in Foam Cell Formation in THP-1 Cells

Figure 5

THP-1 macrophages (a, b) or HMDM (c, d) were fixed and probed with IgG polyclonal rabbit anti-Myo6 followed by anti-rabbit antibody conjugated to Alexa488 (green) and counterstained with DAPI (blue) to highlight cell nuclei. Z-stacked images were taken using a Leica SP5 CLS microscope. (a)-(b) THP-1 cells, labeled as described previously, are shown in maximum projections through the stacks, provided for orientation. Enlargements (i) of the regions indicated show cellular projections labeled for Myo-6. These projections are also visible in the transmitted light images (TL). Selected cells (ii) are enlarged below the maximum projections and shown as confocal xy slices with vertical xz and yz sections through the middle of the cells. (c)-(d) HMDM cells labeled as described previously are illustrated in maximum projections through the stacks. Selected regions (c (i), d (ii)) are enlarged and shown as confocal xy slices with vertical xz and yz sections through the middle of the cells. One region (d (i)) is enlarged as an inset to illustrate staining in short cellular projections. Typical images taken from a minimum of three separate experiments with THP-1 cells, or HMDM from three individual donors, are shown. Scale bars = 10 μm.