Clinical Study

Angiographic and Clinical Impact of Successful Manual Thrombus Aspiration in Diabetic Patients Undergoing Primary PCI

Table 2

Procedural characteristics of the two study groups.

ItemGroup A ( )Group B ( ) value*

Lesion length (mm) >0.05
Stent length (mm) >0.05
Stent diameter >0.05
Stent postdilatation21 (42)18 (36)>0.05
TIMI 3 flow (after PCI)20 (40)38 (76)<0.05
Angiographic no-reflow10 (20)2 (4)<0.05
Infarct-related artery
 LAD25 (50)29 (58)>0.05
 LCx10 (20)8 (16)>0.05
 RCA15 (30)13 (26)>0.05

TIMI: thrombolysis in myocardial infarction; LAD: left anterior descending; LCx: left circumflex; RCA: right coronary artery.
Lesion length and stent length are presented as mean ± standard deviation. Other variables are presented as number (percentage).
-test and Pearson’s Chi-square test.