Research Article

Cross-Sectional Association between the Number of Missing Teeth and Cardiovascular Disease among Adults Aged 50 or Older: BRFSS 2010

Table 2

Adjusted odds ratios (AOR) and the 95% confidence intervals according to cardiovascular diseases for the variables in the final logistic regression analysis behavioral risk factor surveillance system, 2010.

AOR CI value

Missing teeth
 1–5 extracted-teeth versus no missing teeth1.27 1.19, 1.35 <0.0001
 >6 extracted-teeth versus no missing teeth1.65 1.54, 1.77 <0.0001
 Edentulism versus no missing teeth1.85 1.71, 2.01 <0.0001
 Female versus male0.48 0.46, 0.50 <0.0001
 Non-Hispanic Black versus non-Hispanic White0.87 0.80, 0.95 0.0018
 Hispanic versus non-Hispanic White 0.84 0.75, 0.94 0.0025
 Other versus non-Hispanic White1.17 1.03, 1.32 0.0132
 60–69 versus 50–591.89 1.78, 2.02 <0.0001
 70 and older versus 50–593.32 3.12, 3.54 <0.0001
 HS versus less than HS0.96 0.89, 1.04 0.3278
 Some college/technical versus less than HS1.06 0.97, 1.15 0.2101
 College/technical degree versus less than HS0.95 0.87, 1.04 0.2717
 $15000–25000 versus less than $150000.83 0.77, 0.89 <0.0001
 $25000–35000 versus less than $150000.65 0.60, 0.71 <0.0001
 $35000–50000 versus less than $150000.61 0.56, 0.67 <0.0001
 Greater than $50000 versus less than $150000.49 0.45, 0.53 <0.0001
Dental visit within the year
 Yes versus no visit0.88 0.83, 0.93 <0.0001
 Current smoker versus never smoker1.46 1.36, 1.57 <0.0001
 Former smoker versus never smoker1.42 1.35, 1.49 <0.0001
Physical activity
 Yes versus no0.75 0.71, 0.79 <0.0001
Body Mass Index
 Overweight versus normal1.25 1.18, 1.32 <0.0001
 Obese versus normal1.66 1.57, 1.76 <0.0001