Research Article

Watercress and Water Quality: The Effect of Phenethyl Isothiocyanate on the Mating Behaviour of Gammarus pulex

Figure 3

Cumulative proportion of pairs separated-PEITC re-exposures. Solid lines show the mean response for four separate initial exposures. The initial PEITC exposure (blue) is emboldened for comparison with re-exposures (blue-dotted lines) to PEITC on 2 separate test occasions; Test P5r (14 pairs) after exposed test organisms had spent 24 h in clean water, and Test P3r (15 pairs) after exposed test organisms had spent 48 h in clean water. The mean response of 4 control re-exposures (red) follows a similar pattern to the initial control exposure (red-dotted line shows the mean of 8 control exposures). Vertical bars show standard error; n denotes the number of tests.