Research Article

Visual and Chemical Prey Cues as Complementary Predator Attractants in a Tropical Stream Fish Assemblage

Table 1

Effects of different combinations of cues from two prey species indicating potential foraging opportunities on the local abundance of three predatory species in a nested ANOVA with observation site nested within prey species*.

PredatorPrey cueTreatment effectsNested effectsVariance components
df Nested factor Prey cuePrey speciesSite

C. altaVisual19.412,92<0.0001Prey species1.020.314573.1%5.2%21.7%
A. pulcher Visual2.122,920.126Prey species0.920.339465.4%17.4%17.2%
A. bimaculatusVisual6.082,920.0033Prey species0.450.503652.7%47.3%0%

*The interactions between prey cue types were nonsignificant in all tests so the analyses were limited to main and nested effects only.