Review Article

Blow Flies Were One of the Possible Candidates for Transmission of Highly Pathogenic H5N1 Avian Influenza Virus during the 2004 Outbreaks in Japan

Figure 1

The avian influenza outbreaks occurred in Japan since 2003 reported by prefecture. Darker shading prefectures indicate the outbreak caused by H5N1 subtype of the virus during 2003–2007 and the detection of this subtype from wild birds in 2008. Lighter shading prefectures indicate the outbreaks caused by the other subtypes of the influenza viruses. This map shows prefectures and years when avian influenza outbreaks occurred. H5N2 subtype outbreaks were reported in Ibaraki and Saitama Prefectures in 2005 and 2006. The H3 subtype was reported in Saitama Prefecture in 2009 and the H7 subtype in Aichi Prefecture in 2009.