Research Article

A Time Off Incentive Was Not Associated with Influenza Vaccination Acceptance among Healthcare Workers

Table 2

Attitudes of HCWs regarding influenza vaccination.

AttitudeMean Likertscore(SD)P value*
( )
Not vaccinated
( )

The flu vaccine can cause the flu.
The flu vaccine will make me sick.1.92.9<0.01
I do not get the flu.2.23.2<0.01
If I get the flu vaccine it protects me against getting the flu.4.13.3<0.01
If I get the flu vaccine it protects patients I may interact with against the flu.4.23.5<0.01
If I get the flu vaccine it protects family members or others I am close to against the flu.
Healthcare workers are at increased risk of getting the flu.
Flu vaccination is convenient at work.
I do not like getting shots/needles.
Flu is not a serious illness.

Kruskal, Wallis equality of populations rank test.