
In Ricci flow theory, the topology of Ricci soliton is important. We call a metric quasi-Einstein if the m-Bakry-Emery Ricci tensor is a constant multiple of the metric tensor. This is a generalization of gradient shrinking Ricci soliton. In this paper, we will prove the finiteness of the fundamental group of m-quasi-Einstein with a positive constant multiple.

1. Introduction and Main Results

Ricci flow is introduced in 1982 and developed by Hamilton (cf. [1]):πœ•πœ•π‘‘π‘”=βˆ’2Ric,𝑔(0)=𝑔0.(1.1) Recently, Perelman supplemented Hamilton’s result and solved the PoincarΓ© Conjecture and the Geometrization Conjecture by using a Ricci flow theory. But in higher dimension greater than 4 classification using Ricci flow is still far-off. Most above all the classification of Ricci solitons, which are singularity models, is not completed. But there exist many properties of Ricci solitons. Here we say 𝑔 is a Ricci soliton if (𝑀,𝑔) is a Riemannian manifold such that the identityRic+𝐿𝑋𝑔=𝑐𝑔(1.2) holds for some constant 𝑐 and some complete vector field 𝑋 on 𝑀. If 𝑐>0, 𝑐=0, or 𝑐<0, then we call it shrinking, steady, or expanding. Moreover, if the vector field 𝑋 appearing in (1.2) is the gradient field of a potential function (1/2)𝑓, one has Ric+βˆ‡βˆ‡π‘“=𝑐𝑔 and says 𝑔 is a gradient Ricci soliton. In 2008, Lōpez and RΓ­o have shown that if (𝑀,𝑔) is a complete manifold with Ric+𝐿𝑋𝑔β‰₯𝑐𝑔 and some positive constant 𝑐, then 𝑀 is compact if and only if ‖𝑋‖ is bounded. Moreover, under these assumptions if 𝑀 is compact, then πœ‹1(𝑀) is finite. Furthermore, Wylie [2] has shown that under these conditions if 𝑀 is complete, then πœ‹1(𝑀) is finite. Moreover, in 2008, Fang et al. (cf. [3]) have shown that a gradient shrinking Ricci soliton with a bounded scalar curvature has finite topological type. By [4, Proposition 1.5.6], Cao and Zhu have shown that compact steady or expanding Ricci solitons are Einstein manifolds. In addition by [4, Corollary 1.5.9 (ii)] note that compact shrinking Ricci solitons are gradient Ricci solitons. So we are interested in shrinking gradient Ricci solitons. In [6, page 354], Eminenti et al. have shown that compact shrinking Ricci solitons have positive scalar curvatures. In [6] Case et al. have shown that an π‘š-quasi-Einstein with 1β‰€π‘š<∞ and 𝑐>0 has a positive scalar curvature. Let me introduce the definition of π‘š-quasi-Einstein.

Definition 1.1. The triple (𝑀,𝑔,𝑓) is an π‘š-quasi-Einstein manifold if it satisfies the equation1Ric+Hessπ‘“βˆ’π‘šπ‘‘π‘“βŠ—π‘‘π‘“=𝑐𝑔(1.3) for some π‘βˆˆπ‘….
Here π‘š-Bakry-Emery Ricci tensor Ricπ‘šπ‘“β‰Ric+Hessπ‘“βˆ’(1/π‘š)π‘‘π‘“βŠ—π‘‘π‘“ for 0<π‘šβ‰€βˆž is a natural extension of the Ricci tensor to smooth metric measure spaces (cf. [6, Section  1 ]). Note that if π‘š=∞, then it reduces to a gradient Ricci soliton. In this paper, we will prove the finiteness of the fundamental group of an π‘š-quasi-Einstein with 𝑐>0.

Theorem 1.2. Let (𝑀,𝑔,𝑓) be a complete manifold with 𝑐>0 and Ric+Hessπ‘“βˆ’(1/π‘š)π‘‘π‘“βŠ—π‘‘π‘“β‰₯𝑐𝑔. Then it has a finite fundamental group.

2. The Proof of Theorem 1.2

The proof of Theorem 1.2 is similar to the proofs of [2, 7].

Proof. We will prove it by dividing into two cases.Case 1. β€–βˆ‡π‘“β€–is bounded. We claim that the bounded β€–βˆ‡π‘“β€– implies the compactness of 𝑀. Let π‘ž be a point in 𝑀, and consider any geodesic π›ΎβˆΆ[0,∞)→𝑀 emanating from π‘ž and parametrized by arc length 𝑑. Then we have ξ€œπ‘‡01Ric(̇𝛾,̇𝛾)β‰₯𝑐𝑇+π‘šξ€œπ‘‡0(𝑑𝑓(̇𝛾))2βˆ’ξ€œπ‘‡0̇𝛾(𝑔(βˆ‡π‘“,̇𝛾))β‰₯π‘π‘‡βˆ’π‘”(βˆ‡π‘“,̇𝛾)|𝑇0.(2.1)
Since 𝑔(βˆ‡π‘“,̇𝛾)|𝑇0 is bounded we have that ∫∞0Ric(̇𝛾,̇𝛾)=∞. Hence, the claim is followed by the proof of [4, Theorem  1]. Let (𝑀,̃𝑔) be the Riemannian universal cover of (𝑀,𝑔), let ξ‚‹π‘βˆΆ(𝑀,̃𝑔)β†’(𝑀,𝑔) be a projection map, and let 𝑓 be a map π‘“βˆ˜π‘. Since 𝑝 is a local isometry, then the same inequality holds, that is, Ric(̃𝑔)+HesseΜƒπ‘”ξ‚ξ‚ξ‚π‘“βˆ’(1/π‘š)π‘‘π‘“βŠ—π‘‘π‘“β‰₯𝑐̃𝑔. Now, since β€–ξ‚βˆ‡ξ‚π‘“β€– is bounded, it is followed from the above argument that 𝑀 is compact. So πœ‹1(𝑀) is finite.
Case 2. β€–βˆ‡π‘“β€– is unbounded. We will prove this case by following the proof of [2]. By Case 1, 𝑀 is noncompact. For any π‘βˆˆπ‘€, define 𝐻𝑝≐max0,supRic𝑦(𝑣,𝑣)βˆΆπ‘¦βˆˆπ΅(𝑝,1),‖𝑣‖=1ξ€Ύξ€Ύ.(2.2) Note that by [7, Lemma  2.2] we have ξ€œπ‘Ÿ0Ric(̇𝛾,̇𝛾)𝑑𝑠≀2(π‘›βˆ’1)+𝐻𝑝+π»π‘ž.(2.3) Assume that 𝑑(𝑝,π‘ž)>1. On the other hand, from the inequality of Theorem 1.2, we have ξ€œπ‘Ÿ01Ric(̇𝛾,̇𝛾)𝑑𝑠β‰₯𝑐𝑑(𝑝,π‘ž)+π‘šξ€œπ‘Ÿ0(𝑑𝑓(̇𝛾))2βˆ’ξ€œπ‘Ÿ0̇𝛾(𝑔(βˆ‡π‘“,̇𝛾))β‰₯𝑐𝑑(𝑝,π‘ž)βˆ’β€–βˆ‡π‘“β€–π‘βˆ’β€–βˆ‡π‘“β€–π‘ž,(2.4) since 𝑔(βˆ‡π‘“,̇𝛾)β‰€β€–βˆ‡π‘“β€–β€–Μ‡π›Ύβ€–. Hence, we have that for any 𝑝, π‘žβˆˆπ‘€ξ‚†1𝑑(𝑝,π‘ž)≀max1,𝑐2(π‘›βˆ’1)+𝐻𝑝+π»π‘ž+β€–βˆ‡π‘“β€–π‘+β€–βˆ‡π‘“β€–π‘žξ€Έξ‚‡.(2.5) Now we will apply a similar argument like Case 1. Fix ξ‚‹π‘€Μƒπ‘βˆˆ, and let β„Žβˆˆπœ‹1(𝑀) identified as a deck transformation on 𝑀. Note that 𝐡(̃𝑝,1) and 𝐡(β„Ž(̃𝑝),1) are isometric, and thus 𝐻̃𝑝=π»β„Ž(̃𝑝). Also β€–ξ‚βˆ‡ξ‚π‘“β€–Μƒπ‘ξ‚βˆ‡ξ‚=β€–π‘“β€–β„Ž(̃𝑝). So we conclude that 2𝑑(̃𝑝,β„Ž(̃𝑝))≀max1,𝑐nβˆ’1+𝐻̃𝑝+β€–β€–ξ‚βˆ‡ξ‚π‘“β€–β€–Μƒπ‘ξ‚ξ‚‡(2.6) for any β„Žβˆˆπœ‹1(𝑀). Since the right-hand side is independent of β„Ž, this proves this case.