Research Article

Life History Tactics in Cohorts of a Partial Migratory Brown Trout (Salmo trutta L.) Population

Table 1

Summary of Kruskal-Wallis analyses, testing for the effect of tactic on body mass for three separate cohorts (termed Co A, Co B, and Co C) of brown trout monitored from 2001 to 2003 in GreΓ₯na River. 𝑁 is shown for the number of females and immature males (Fe+Im), number that migrated 2002 (Mig 02), 2003 (Mig 03), males maturing in 2001 (Mmale 01), 2002 (Mmale 02), and 2003 (Mmale 03). If total 𝑁 < 1 0 , no Kruskal-Wallis test was conducted. A graphic illustration of changes in body mass over time is given in Figure 2.

No.CohortYearMonthAgeNKruskal-Wallis test
Fe + ImMig 02Mig 03Mmale 01Mmale 02Mmale 03Total 𝑋 2 𝑃

1Co A2001Sep0+534020325416.90.080
2Co A2001Oct0+188000521959.50.008
3Co A2002May1+271000832821.10.590
4Co A2002Sep1+149β€”508416621.5<0.001
5Co A2002Oct1+147β€”409616621.0<0.001
6Co A2003May2+27β€”5001355.30.021
7Co A2003Sep2+39β€”β€”004439.10.003
8Co A2003Oct2+51β€”β€”0011628.00.005

1Co B2001Sep1+1666223017914.5<0.006
2Co B2001Oct1+1026422011618.20.001
3Co B2002May2+10020907013627.2<0.001
4Co B2002Sep2+31β€”9080487.40.025
5Co B2002Oct2+43β€”90906112.70.002
6Co B2003May3+12β€”14232338.30.011
7Co B2003Sep3+4β€”β€”1016β€”β€”
8Co B2003Oct3+4β€”β€”0239β€”β€”

1Co C2001Sep2+41605205411.40.010
2Co C2001Oct2+23120310399.70.021
3Co C2002May3+262300405322.7<0.001
4Co C2002Sep3+16β€”0050212.50.066
5Co C2002Oct3+15β€”0070226.30.012
6Co C2003May>3+2β€”00002β€”β€”
7Co C2003Sep>3+4β€”00015β€”β€”
8Co C2003Oct>3+3β€”01004β€”β€”