Research Article

Short-Term Plant Community Responses to Warming and Defoliation in a Northern Temperate Grassland

Table 2

Summary of ANOVA results ( 𝐹 and Prob > 𝐹 values) for type III tests of fixed effects of warming, defoliation, and their interaction on plant diversity and biomass in 2006 and 2007. The 𝐹 and Prob > 𝐹 values are highlighted when Prob > 𝐹 is less than 0.05.

YearVariableDfWarming ( 𝑊 )Defoliation ( 𝐷 ) 𝑊 𝐷 interaction
(Num, Den)F-valueProb > F F-valueProb > F F-valueProb > F

Species richness1, 121.360.270.870.371.960.19
Species diversity1, 124.680.0513.610.0032.190.16
2006Shoot biomass1, 121.740.2110.820.0060.000.97
Root biomass1, 120.880.370.270.610.040.84
Litter biomass1, 161.480.240.920.350.060.81

Species richness1, 120.020.882.780.120.020.88
Species diversity1, 120.140.720.420.530.530.48
2007Shoot biomass1, 120.010.913.980.070.260.62
Root biomass1, 160.280.602.380.140.330.57
Litter biomass1, 121.170.3011.050.0060.000.98