Research Article

Recurrent Syncope in Patients with Carotid Sinus Hypersensitivity

Table 5

Subject with effective massage: Difference for SAP after SCM.

Mean SCM SAP difference from baseline SAPMean SCM SAP

Patients n° 1373 (±12)100 (±15)68 (±10)<0.05
Controls n° 562 (±4)90 (±14)83 (±9)ns
𝑃 nsnsns

SCM SAP: systolic arterial pressure in mmHg after sinus carotid massage.
Mean SCM SAP difference from baseline indicates the mean fall of SAP after the sinus massage from the baseline SAP at the time of enrollment and the implantation of PM.
Mean SCM SAP enrollment indicates the mean value of SAP after sinus massage.
Mean SCM SAP Revaluation indicates the mean value of SAP at the end of the followup.
0.05 indicates the difference from Mean SCM SAP Enrollment and Mean SCM SAP Revaluation.