Research Article

First Reproductive Observations for Herpele Peters, 1880 (Amphibia: Gymnophiona: Herpelidae): Evidence of Extended Parental Care and Maternal Dermatophagy in H. squalostoma (Stutchbury, 1836)

Table 1

Meristic and morphometric (in mm) data for five preserved young Herpele squalostoma from a clutch of 16 young attended by an adult. All specimens have NHMUK prefix. The specimens in the first four rows were preserved one day after field collection and all have multicusped teeth. The specimen in the bottom row was preserved 29 days after collection and has adult-like dentition. Abbreviations: TL (a): total length fresh on day of preservation; TL (b): total length in preservation; MbW: width at midbody; HL: head length measured laterally from snout tip to first collar groove; HW: maximum head width between corner of mouth and first collar groove; PAs: total number of primary annuli; 1st SAG, primary annulus on which anteriormost secondary annular groove occurs; +: plus a small terminal cap substantially shorter than preceding primary annulus.

SpecimenTL (a)TL (b)MbWHLHWPAs1st SAG

2012.21171123.65.64.1 98
2012.31141133.25.43.6 99