Clinical Study

Near Visual Acuity Following Hyperopic Photorefractive Keratectomy in a Presbyopic Age Group

Table 1

Summary of near visual acuity (NVA) for PRK and control group.

PRK groupControl group

Number of eyes120120
Mean NVA 𝐽 3.733 𝐽 4.067
Median NVA 𝐽 4 𝐽 4
Mode NVA 𝐽 3 𝐽 4

NVA = DCNVA for PRK group and UCVA for control group.
This table shows the main NVA findings. The mean NVA following PRK was found to be better to a statistically significant extent (P <0.05). The most common level of NVA found in each group was also better in the PRK group.