Review Article

Modulation of Neutrophil Apoptosis by Antimicrobial Peptides

Figure 8

Effects of a neutralizing anti-CCR6 mAb on the hBD-3- and MIP-3α-induced suppression of neutrophil apoptosis. Neutrophils (106 cells/mL) were incubated at 37°C for 18 h in RPMI1640-10% FBS in the absence (Control) or presence of hBD-3 (1 and 5 μg/mL), MIP-3α (0.01, 0.1, and 1 μg/mL), anti-CCR6 mAb (50 μg/mL), control IgG (50 μg/mL), or their combination (+ Anti-CCR6; 1 5 μg/mL hBD-3 and anti-CCR6 mAb, or 0 . 0 1 1 μg/mL MIP-3α and anti-CCR6 mAb; + IgG; 1 5 μg/mL hBD-3 and control IgG, or 0.01 ~ 1 μg/mL MIP-3α and control IgG). Neutrophils were also incubated at 4°C for 18 h in the absence of hBD-3, MIP-3α, anti-CCR6 mAb, or control IgG (Resting). After incubation, neutrophil apoptosis was quantitated and expressed as a percentage of apoptotic cells. Data are the mean ± SD of 3 to 6 separate experiments. Values are compared between the incubation at 37°C in the presence of hBD-3 (1 and 5 μg/mL) or MIP-3α ( 0 . 0 1 , 0 . 1 and 1 μg/mL) without and with anti-CCR6 mAb or control IgG. * 𝑃 < 0 . 0 5 ; *** 𝑃 < 0 . 0 0 1 .