Research Article

A Twelve-Year Experience in Ambulatory Surgery within Urology

Table 4

List of the proceeded surgery.

Inguinoescrotal surgeryNo. of cases %

Hydrocelectomy 53835%
Cord Cystectomy 21414%
Varicocelectomy 17011%
Orchidopexy 49 3%
Treatment peritoneal vaginal process 44 3%
Orchidectomy 24 2%

Uretrovesical surgery
TUR of small bladder tumours 120 8%
Endoscopic urethrotomy 75 5%
Carunclectomy 24 2%

Surgery of penis
Phymosis in children 80 5%
Nesbit procedure 64 4%
Balanic hypospadias 30 2%

Stress IU female surgery
TVT 76 5%