Clinical Study

Factors Related to Long-Term Survival in Patients Affected by Well-Differentiated Endocrine Tumors of the Pancreas

Table 2

Univariate analysis of factors influencing overall survival in the 74 patients who underwent R0 pancreatic resection for well-differentiated pancreatic endocrine tumors.

VariablesSurvival (months, mean ± SE) 𝑃 value

 M 2 3 5 ± 2 7 0.080
 F 3 0 2 ± 1 9
 <55 years 3 0 7 ± 1 5 0.010
55 years 1 9 2 ± 2 5
 None 2 9 0 ± 1 7 0.065
 One or more 1 5 5 ± 2 1
 No 1 7 7 ± 2 2 0.794
 Yes 2 7 3 ± 1 8
Hormonal status
 Nonfunctioning 2 6 2 ± 2 5 0.430
 Insulinoma 2 6 8 ± 1 7
 Others 2 2 1 ± 5 0
 No 2 6 8 ± 1 7 0.646
 Yes 2 5 3 ± 3 1
Size of tumors
 <2 cm 2 3 6 ± 2 3 0.529
 2–4 cm 3 0 0 ± 2 3
 >4 cm 2 4 7 ± 3 6
Lymph node status
 N0 2 7 7 ± 2 1 0.966
 N1 2 4 3 ± 3 8
 Nx 1 2 9 ± 1 5
Type of resection
 Typical 2 7 2 ± 2 1 0.836
 Atypical 2 7 0 ± 2 9
WHO classification
 WDT-B 2 8 0 ± 1 5 0.080
 WDT-UB 2 6 5 ± 3 4
 WDC 2 3 5 ± 3 1
TNM stage*
 I 2 4 1 ± 2 4 0.462
 II 3 0 3 ± 2 5
 III 2 2 9 ± 3 5

SE: standard error; WDT-B: well-differentiated tumor-benign; WDT-UB: well-differentiated tumor-uncertain behaviour; WDEC: well-differentiated carcinoma.
*TNM-ENETS stage system modified according to Scarpa et al. [5].