Research Article

Ten-Year Experience with Open Prostatectomy in Maiduguri

Table 6

Postoperative complications.

ComplicationsFrequency (%)

Retrograde ejaculation20 (7.9)
Clot retention19 (7.5)
Wound infection19 (7.5)
Incontinence of urine17 (6.7)
Erectile dysfunction17 (6.7)
Urinary tract infection14 (5.5)
Vesicocutaneous fistula13 (5.1)
Others27 (10.7)

Epididymoorchitis = 8, cardiac failure = 2, and renal failure=1.
Bladder neck stenosis/stricture = 5.
Irritable bladder syndrome = 5.
Pneumonia/atelectasis = 4.
Deep vein thrombosis = 2.