Review Article

Experimental Review of Graphene

Table 3

Mobility range ( 𝜇 ) and minimum conductivity ( 𝜎 m i n ) of graphene produced by different techniques and deposited on different substrates.

Substrate Production technique 𝜇 ( × 1 0 3  cm2 V 1 s 1 ) 𝜎 m i n ( 𝑒 2 / ) Ref.

SiO2/Si Exfoliation 10–15 4 [1]
Boron nitride Exfoliation 25–140 6 [84]
Suspended Exfoliation 120–200 1.7/ 𝜋 [97]
SiC Thermal-SiC 1–5[16]
SiO2/Si Ni-CVD 2–5[53]
SiO2/Si Cu-CVD 1–16[18]