Clinical Study

Developmental Disabilities and Intracranial Abnormalities in Children with Symptomatic Cytomegalovirus and Cochlear Implants

Table 1

Fifteen children with symptomatic congenital cytomegalovirus who received cochlear implants.

SubjectAge at CIAge at IDCognitive impairmentMotor impairmentVisual impairmentCI PTAHC

112 m1 mYesYes, CPNoCnt5th–50th
213 m2 mNo*Yes, CPNo32>50th
316 m2 mYesYesNo255th–50th
417 m2 mYesYes, CPYes33<5th
521 m15 mYesYesNo32<5th
623 m1 mYesYes, CPYes57<5th
726 m11 mYesYes, CPNo28>50th
828 m23 mYesYes, CPYes38<5th
929 m5 mYesNoNo27<5th
1030 m5 mYesYes, CPYes38<5th
1138 m3 mYesYesNo80<5th
1240 m13 mNoYesNo335th–50th
1360 m54 mNo*NoNoCnt>50th
1486 m62 mYesYes, CPNo235th–50th
1596 m60 mNoYes, CPNo205th–50th

*Had a diagnosis of an autism spectrum disorder.
CI: cochlear implant; ID: identification (of hearing loss); PTA: pure tone average, HC: head circumference; m: months; cnt: could not test; CP: cerebral palsy.