Review Article

A Review of Use of Enantiomers in Homeopathy

Figure 21

The 3 graphs above, going from top to bottom, show experiments 19, 20, and 21. They show the effect of homeopathic preparations of (R)-(+)-α-methylbenzyl isocyanate on [Ca2+]c response to 50 mg/L (S)-(−)-α-methylbenzyl isocyanate. Underlined data represent statistically significant data at the 5% level. Primary endpoint is final resting level (FRL). Note H1, H2, and H3 homeopathic preparations. H2 was made for experiment 19 and was then kept and used in experiments 20 and 21. H3 represents a fresh potency replicate of H2 made before 9 am on each day of the experiment. Other than the H2 potency made in the isocyanate experiments, all other potencies were made fresh on each day.